English Confetti

nothing to think about


Who are you before others tell you who you are

Who are you before you think about who you are


The message of true intelligence

. Open the window to your heart and be lost in the sky of light, joy, peace and love   . Ein weiser Intellekt dient dem SEIN ohne Chef-Allüren :o)

embracing beingness

. under the surface of all words you will find me sometimes forgotten so me like you please forgive me beyond all words . embracing in beingness embracing beingness


If you could live two weeks of your life again, which ones would you choose? .

forever here

sitting with a dog...sometimes, by looking in each other eyes, a little wonder happens. Just beingness is here, looking through different eyes. Like the moment is dancing without moving a single paw. If I look deeply, I don´t see the dog in the dog any more. Innocent...

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44225 Dortmund

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The message of true intelligence

. Open the window to your heart and be lost in the sky of light, joy, peace and love   . Ein weiser Intellekt dient dem SEIN ohne Chef-Allüren :o)

embracing beingness

. under the surface of all words you will find me sometimes forgotten so me like you please forgive me beyond all words . embracing in beingness embracing beingness


If you could live two weeks of your life again, which ones would you choose? .

forever here

sitting with a dog...sometimes, by looking in each other eyes, a little wonder happens. Just beingness is here, looking through different eyes. Like the moment is dancing without moving a single paw. If I look deeply, I don´t see the dog in the dog any more. Innocent...