English Confetti

forever here

sitting with a dog…sometimes, by looking in each other eyes, a little wonder happens.
Just beingness is here, looking through different eyes. Like the moment is dancing without moving a single paw. If I look deeply, I don´t see the dog in the dog any more.
Innocent moments. Joyful and free. Forever in love. Lola

Forever here

When I was a child, I was told, that I had to become something else, something special or at least more intelligent than I was. Only being myself couldn´t never be enough, sometimes even wrong. That was my feeling.

In the age of 5, I had a hip surgery. There were complications during this operation. At first it was a question of possibly having a leg amputated, then there was additional large blood loss and life was on the brink of danger. It must have been exactly this moment in which “I” left the body. First there was a seeing how the body was lying on the table, then a clear recognition that there is no „I“ as a person in this shell.
In the process of detachment from the body, there was no longer a 5-year-old girl who is dying, only the eternal that always is and now withdrew from this body. The visible body disappeared more and more, it was like being „pulled up“ in light and space, enveloped in an experience that cannot be described by words. An experience without someone to have it. All words, including the word peace or freedom or God, cannot name this.
There was the clear „seeing“, that there is nothing in the bodyshell. And everything.

As you can see, the doctors managed to get me back (and my legs are still on ;o)

What impresses me most is that I was actually only 5 years old, but what is in this body has no age, gender, religion or nationality. A consciousness beyond any form.
And even though I was only 5 years old, it was in my consciousness and stayed there unchanged till today.
Inner knowing beyond intellectual knowing.
This consciousness is in every being because consciousness is all there is.
Or to put it another way: I feel it as the eternal soul, in which the indivual soul appears. Everything comes from the one, IS the one.
In death the individual soul merges into the eternal soul. It also means there is no death. The bodies are no longer there, but the soul-energy merges in the eternal soul.
This is also often described with the image of the wave in the sea that rises from the ocean and sloshes back into it.

I experienced that very intensive and also clearly, when my sweet dog Lola was leaving her body.
We were laying in the garden, her beloved place to enjoy life. I think because of the pure connection between our hearts and also because of my experience in the age of 5, I could feel the moment, when here soul was leaving the body. In that moment I felt all around us as oneness: trees, bodies, air, smell, sounds… There was a similar inner „picture“ like in the surgery. It was beautifully bright, wide und absolutely peaceful. Natural.
So there was no place for grief, only peace and graditude were there. The grief came days later, when I missed her, when I remembered our life together and that was lovely, joyful and sad at the same time.
But in this wonderful moment of transition there was only pure grace without any disturbing thought. I am still grateful for this precious eternal moment.

And I understood, that it is the most important thing to live this life in peace for leaving it in peace. My buddha Lola was showing me that. She showed my again and again, what to do, when you are in a situation you don´t like, but can not leave it.
Here “creed” was: Ok, this. Hm… in the moment I don´t like it. But ok, now I am here an now I see, how I can make the best out of it. And then, after a short while of assimilation and bringing her lovely energy in this situation she was happy.
Or at least in acceptance. Wonderful.

Thank you life for having this beautiful being in my life.



The message of true intelligence

. Open the window to your heart and be lost in the sky of light, joy, peace and love   . Ein weiser Intellekt dient dem SEIN ohne Chef-Allüren :o)

embracing beingness

. under the surface of all words you will find me sometimes forgotten so me like you please forgive me beyond all words . embracing in beingness embracing beingness


If you could live two weeks of your life again, which ones would you choose? .

nothing to think about

  Who are you before others tell you who you are Who are you before you think about who you are .

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The message of true intelligence

. Open the window to your heart and be lost in the sky of light, joy, peace and love   . Ein weiser Intellekt dient dem SEIN ohne Chef-Allüren :o)

embracing beingness

. under the surface of all words you will find me sometimes forgotten so me like you please forgive me beyond all words . embracing in beingness embracing beingness


If you could live two weeks of your life again, which ones would you choose? .

nothing to think about

  Who are you before others tell you who you are Who are you before you think about who you are .